What Is Happening Every Minute On The Web

April 25 2014

Back in 2011 if you ask me the same question, I’ll probably will show you the following link, an infographic called What is happening on the WEB every 60 seconds. But if see the following infographic you’ll notice an increase in the numbers.

what is happening every minute on the web

In 2011 Youtube users were uploading 25 hours of new video content every minute and now 72 hours of videos every minute. Twitter noticed an increase in the number of tweets – 277 000 compared to 98 000 back in the 2011. Google served less than 6 times more search results – 4 Millions compared to 0.7 Millions.

There are some new but big players in this Online Game such as: Pinterest, Tinder, Whatsapp and Vine. Enough words, the following Infographic speaks for itself. Click on the infographic to see the larger version.


what is happening every minute on the web

This is the original source of the Infographic created by DOMO

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